Arrange multiple grobs on a page (ggtern
and ggplot2
arrangeGrob( ..., grobs = list(...), layout_matrix, vp = NULL, name = "arrange", as.table = TRUE, respect = FALSE, clip = "off", nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, widths = NULL, heights = NULL, top = NULL, bottom = NULL, left = NULL, right = NULL, padding = grid::unit(0.5, "line") ) grid.arrange(..., newpage = TRUE)
... | grobs, gtables, ggplot or trellis objects |
grobs | list of grobs |
layout_matrix | optional layout |
vp | viewport |
name | argument of gtable |
as.table | logical: bottom-left to top-right (TRUE) or top-left to bottom-right (FALSE) |
respect | argument of gtable |
clip | argument of gtable |
nrow | argument of gtable |
ncol | argument of gtable |
widths | argument of gtable |
heights | argument of gtable |
top | optional string, or grob |
bottom | optional string, or grob |
left | optional string, or grob |
right | optional string, or grob |
padding | unit of length one, margin around annotations |
newpage | open a new page |