Initialize array for agent simulations
initialize_agent_array( init_vals, max_T, n_sims, birth_dates = NULL, birth_states = NULL )
init_vals | vector of length K corresponding to the initial values in each state. This will be over-ridden by birth_dates and birth_states if those are not NULL. |
max_T | total number of discrete time steps |
n_sims | number of simulations to run |
birth_dates | vector of size N, the maximum number of agents where each entry is the 'birth' of the agent into the system |
birth_states | which state an agent begins when born into the system |
n_sims x n_agents x (max_T + 1) array where entry ijt is the state of agent j in simulation i at time t-1. The states they can take are integers between -1 (not born yet) and K-1 where 0 to K-1 correspond to different states.