Run delta-ball analysis to obtain an outline points for delta-ball covering where points are in 2d space. We first find the minimum delta such that all balls centered at each point in the data set is touching at least 1 other ball (see get_delta for more information). This function then creates a geometric objects that trying to represent the covering of all these delta balls. Specifically we use geometric properties to find the points on the "outside" of this covering and return a set of lines that create a "boundary" of shorts. Intuition from "Computing Polygonal Surfaces from Unions of Balls" by Tam and Heidrich was used in this function.

  xy_columns = c("x", "y"),
  n_steps = 100,
  remove_duplicates = F



data frame with center points of balls


columns of data.frame that relate to the points's coordinates in euclidean space. The input should look like something like c(x,y) or c("x","y").


number of equidistance points along the line, past delta on both sides, that will be checked to approximate all points along the line


boolean if need to remove duplicates in data_raw


data frame of exterior lines (not ordered)


This function (renamed as delta_ball_wrapper) is shared with TCpredictionbands on github: TCpredictionbands.