Simulate SIR data according to a chain Binomial

simulate_SIR_agents(n_sims, n_time_steps, beta, gamma, init_SIR)



number of times to run simulation


number of total time steps (will use 0 to n_time_steps -1 inclusive)


infection parameter for SIR chain Binomial. See details


recovery paraemter for SIR chain Binomial. See details


vector of (S0, I0, R0) the number of agents initially in the Susceptible, Infected, and Recovered state, respectively. The sum of this will be used as the number of agents


The the output is a data.frame with columns agent_id, init_state, sim_num, tI, tR. The size is (n_agents x n_sims) x 4.


For each simulation \(i\), agent \(A_{t,k}\) (the kth agent at time t) will update according to the following where the states are denoted \(S=0,I=1,R=2\). The update follows a Bernoulli draw based on the agent's current state. Specifically, $$A_{t,k}| S_{t-1}, I_{t-1} \sim \left \{\begin{array}{ll} \textnormal{Bernoulli} \left ( p_{t-1}\right ) & \textnormal{ if } A_{t-1,k} = 0 \\ 1 + Bernoulli(\gamma) & \textnormal{ if } A_{t-1,k} = 1 \\2 & \textnormal{ otherwise} \end{array} \right . $$ If the agent was infectious at time \(t=0\) then \(tI <= 0 \). If the agent never becomes infectious then \(tI = NA\). If the agent never recovers or is recovered from time 0 on then \(tR = NA\). Otherwise we assume the agent is susceptible.


sims_data <- simulate_SIR_agents(n_sims = 2, n_time_steps = 5, beta = .5, gamma = .1, init_SIR = c(9,1,0)) dim(sims_data)
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