The data is an example of simulation output from functions from the pomp package by King et al. The code for how this data was generated can be found in the data-raw
folder. We also make available the other possible output formats from pomp. See pomp_arr and pomp_pomp
A data frame of dimension 10100 x 7 where the columns are
an integer value between 0 and 100
the simulation ID number
The number of Susceptible at given time and simulation ID
The number of Infectious at given time and simulation ID
The number of Recovered at given time and simulation ID
A helper variable
#> time .id S I R H cases #> 1 0 1 950 50 0 0 NaN #> 2 0 2 950 50 0 0 NaN #> 3 0 3 950 50 0 0 NaN #> 4 0 4 950 50 0 0 NaN #> 5 0 5 950 50 0 0 NaN #> 6 0 6 950 50 0 0 NaNlibrary(ggplot2) ggplot(pomp_df) + geom_line(aes(x = time, y = I, group = .id, col = as.numeric(.id)))