
In this series of vignettes, we will demonstrate epidemic analysis pipeline from EDA to dissemination using a case study of measles.

The Epidemic Analysis Pipeline

Goals in this vignette

  1. Fit the deterministic, continous time SIR model described in the previous vignette to the Hagelloch pre-processed data in this vignette

  2. Visualize the fit with EpiCompare

Fitting the model

Getting the pre-processed data and SIR model

After loading the libraries,


we get the aggregate SIR data from hagelloch_raw and define our deterministic, continuous time SIR model.

## Getting aggregate data
aggregate_hag <- hagelloch_raw %>%
  agents_to_aggregate(states = c(tI, tR)) %>%
   rename(time = t, S = X0, I = X1, R = X2)

## Making the SIR function

sirmod = function(t, y, parms) {
    # Pull state variables from y vector
    S = y[1]
    I = y[2]
    R = y[3]
    # Pull parameter values from parms vector
    beta = parms["beta"]
    gamma = parms["gamma"]
    N = S + I + R
    # Define equations
    dS = - beta * S * I/N
    dI = beta * S * I/N -  gamma * I
    dR = gamma * I
    res = c(dS, dI, dR)
    # Return list of gradients

Making an objective function to minimize

We will find the best fit deterministic, continuous time SIR model by minimizing the sum of squared error over the observed data and the estimates. That it is, we will find

\[ \left ( \hat{\beta}, \hat{\gamma}\right ) = \arg \min_{\beta, \gamma} \sum_{t=0}^T (S(t) - s(t))^2 + (I(t) - i(t))^2 + (R(t) -r(t))^2, \] where \(S(t), I(t),\) and \(R(t)\) are estimates produced from our model and \(s(t), i(t), r(t)\) are observed data. We make a wrapper for the sum of squares, called SSE_sir()

SSE_sir <- function(parms, observed_data){

  ## Estimate model
  inits <- as.numeric(observed_data[1, c("S", "I", "R")])

  times <- seq(min(observed_data$time),
               max(observed_data$time), by = .1)

  sir <- as.data.frame(ode(y = inits, times = times, func = sirmod,
           parms = parms))
  colnames(sir) <- c("time", "S_hat", "I_hat", "R_hat")

  sir_sub <- sir %>% filter(sir$time %% 1 == 0)
  SSE <- sum((sir_sub[,-1] - observed_data[, -1])^2)


Finally, we optimize to find the best \(\beta\) and \(\gamma\) estimates. As an initial guess for \(\gamma\) we use 1/8, which is assuming an average days of 8 days until recovery. For \(\beta\), we guess that \(\beta / \gamma = R_0 = 6\) and so \(\beta = .75\).

init_par <- c("beta" = .75, "gamma" = 1/8)
best_params <- optim(init_par, fn = SSE_sir,
                     observed_data = aggregate_hag)
##       beta      gamma 
## 0.27703209 0.08626326

We can plot the observed data over our estimated curves.

inits <- as.numeric(aggregate_hag[1, c("S", "I", "R")])
times <- seq(min(aggregate_hag$time),
               max(aggregate_hag$time), by = .1)

sir <- as.data.frame(ode(y = inits, times = times, func = sirmod,
           parms = best_params$par))
colnames(sir) <- c("time", "S", "I", "R")

tidy_ests <- sir %>%
  mutate(type = "est") %>%
  pivot_longer(-c(time, type), names_to = "state")

tidy_data <- aggregate_hag %>%
  mutate(type = "obs") %>%
   pivot_longer(-c(time, type), names_to = "state")

combined_df <- bind_rows(tidy_ests, tidy_data)

ggplot() +
  geom_line(data = combined_df %>% filter(type == "est"),
             aes( x= time, y = value, group = state,
                  col = state), linetype = "dashed") +
  geom_point(data = combined_df %>% filter(type == "obs"),
             aes( x= time, y = value, group = state), size = .2) +
  facet_wrap(~state, ncol = 1)

And with a ternary plot

ggplot() +
  geom_line(data = sir, aes(x = S, y = I, z = R)) +
  geom_point(data = aggregate_hag,
            aes(x = S, y = I, z = R)) +

It is pretty clear from the intraocular exam (the eye-test) that the best fit deterministic continuous time SIR model does not capture the features of the data well. However, we do not look at any potential prediction intervals or confidence bands with this model, which may change our view. In the next vignette, we will introduce a stochastic, discrete time SIR model.
