
In this series of vignettes, we will demonstrate epidemic analysis pipeline from EDA to dissemination using a case study of measles.

The Epidemic Analysis Pipeline

Goals in this vignette

  1. Look at a three-group model

  2. Derive the likelihood

  3. Find parameters that maximize the likelihood for the Hagelloch data.

  4. Simulate SIR models from the best fit model

Previously we saw that the classes of children may have different SIR curves. We can model this in a number of ways: one being to partition the children into three separate groups of susceptibles. These susceptible children in classes Pre-K, first, and second class have rates \(\beta_0\), \(\beta_1\), and \(\beta_2\) rates of becoming infectious. The children still all share the same rate of recovery, \(\gamma\).

This model can be described with five states: \((X_0, X_1, X_2, X_3, X_4) = (S_0, S_1, S_2, I, R)\) and the following equations

After loading the libraries,


we get the aggregate SIR data from hagelloch_raw and define our deterministic, continuous time SIR model.

## Getting aggregate data
aggregate_hag <- hagelloch_raw %>%
  mutate(class = ifelse(CL == "1st class",
                        ifelse(CL == "2nd class",
                               2, 0))) %>%
  group_by(class) %>%
  agents_to_aggregate(states = c(tI, tR),
                      min_max_time = c(0, 55)) %>%
   rename(time = t, S = X0, I = X1, R = X2) %>%
  tidyr::pivot_wider(id_cols = time,
                     names_from = class, values_from = c(S, I, R))
sir3_loglike <- function(par, data){
  data$beta00 <- par[1]
  data$beta01 <- par[2]
  data$beta02 <- par[3]
  data$beta10 <- par[1]
  data$beta11 <- par[2]
  data$beta12 <- par[3]
  data$beta20 <- par[1]
  data$beta21 <- par[2]
  data$beta22 <- par[3]
  data$gamma <- par[4]

   data$N <- data$S_0 + data$S_1 + data$S_2 +
     data$I_0 + data$I_1 + data$I_2 +
     data$R_0 + data$R_1 + data$R_2
  data_new <- data %>%
           prev_S0 = dplyr::lag(S_0),
           prev_S1 = dplyr::lag(S_1),
           prev_S2 = dplyr::lag(S_2),
           prev_I0 = dplyr::lag(I_0),
           prev_I1 = dplyr::lag(I_1),
           prev_I2 = dplyr::lag(I_2),
           prev_R0 = dplyr::lag(R_0),
           prev_R1 = dplyr::lag(R_1),
           prev_R2 = dplyr::lag(R_2),
           ) %>%
       delta_S0 = S_0 - prev_S0,
           delta_S1 = S_1 - prev_S1,
           delta_S2 = S_2 - prev_S2,
           delta_I0 = I_0 - prev_I0,
           delta_I1 = I_1 - prev_I1,
           delta_I2 = I_2 - prev_I2,
           delta_R0 = R_0 - prev_R0,
       delta_R1 = R_1 - prev_R1,
       delta_R2 = R_2 - prev_R2
    ) %>%
           prob_inf0 =  (beta00 * I_0 + beta01 * I_1 + beta02 * I_2) / N,
           prob_inf1 =  (beta10 * I_0 + beta11 * I_1 + beta12 * I_2) / N,
           prob_inf2 =  (beta20 * I_0 + beta21 * I_1 + beta22 * I_2) / N
           ) %>%
           loglike_SI_init0 = (-delta_S0) * log(prob_inf0) +
              S_0 * log(1 - prob_inf0),
           loglike_SI_init1 = (-delta_S1) * log(prob_inf1) +
              S_1 * log(1 - prob_inf1),
           loglike_SI_init2 = (-delta_S2) * log(prob_inf2) +
              S_2 * log(1 - prob_inf2),
           loglike_SI0 = ifelse(prob_inf0 %in% c(0, 1), 0,
           loglike_SI1 = ifelse(prob_inf0 %in% c(0, 1), 0,
           loglike_SI2 = ifelse(prob_inf0 %in% c(0, 1), 0,
           loglike_IR = (delta_R0) * log(gamma) + (prev_I0 - delta_R0) * log(1 - gamma) +
            (delta_R1) * log(gamma) + (prev_I1 - delta_R1) * log(1 - gamma) +
             (delta_R2) * log(gamma) + (prev_I2 - delta_R2) * log(1 - gamma),
           loglike =  loglike_SI0 + loglike_SI1 + loglike_SI2 +
           )  %>%
    dplyr::filter(time != 0)

init_params <- c(.5, .5, .5,

test <- sir3_loglike(init_params, data = aggregate_hag)

best_params <- optim(par = init_params, fn = sir3_loglike,
                     control = list(fnscale = -1), # switches from minimizing function to maximizing it
                     data = aggregate_hag,
                     hessian = TRUE,
                     method = "L-BFGS-B",
                     lower = .01, upper = .999)

print(best_params$par, digits = 2)
## [1] 0.75 0.42 0.01 0.13

Simulating new outbreaks

Now that we have the best (point) estimate for \(\beta\) and \(\gamma\), we can simulate new data.

## This is the SIR representation
trans_mat <- matrix("0", byrow = TRUE, nrow = 9, ncol = 9)
trans_mat[1, 1] <- "X0 * (1 - (par1 * X3 + par2 * X4 + par3 * X5) / N)" ## S0 -> S0
trans_mat[1, 4] <- "X0 / N * (par1 * X3 + par2 * X4 + par3 * X5)"  ## S0 -> I0
trans_mat[2, 2] <- "X1 * (1 - (par1 * X3 + par2 * X4 + par3 * X5) / N)" ## S1 -> S1
trans_mat[2, 5] <- "X1 / N * (par1 * X3 + par2 * X4 + par3 * X5)" ## S1 -> I1
trans_mat[3, 3] <- "X2 * (1 - (par1 * X3 + par2 * X4 + par3 * X5) / N)" ## S2 -> S2
trans_mat[3, 6] <- "X2 / N * (par1 * X3 + par2 * X4 + par3 * X5)" ## S2 -> I2
trans_mat[4, 4] <- "X3 * (1 - par4)" ## I0 -> I0
trans_mat[4, 7] <- "X3 * (par4)" ## I0 -> R0
trans_mat[5, 5] <- "X4 * (1 - par4)" ## I1 -> I1
trans_mat[5, 8] <- "X4 * (par4)" ## I1 -> R1
trans_mat[6, 6] <- "X5 * (1 - par4)" ## I2 -> I2
trans_mat[6, 9] <- "X5 * (par4)" ## I2 -> R2
trans_mat[7, 7] <- "X6" ## R0 -> R0
trans_mat[8, 8] <- "X7" ## R1 -> R1
trans_mat[9, 9] <- "X8" ## R2 -> R2

rownames(trans_mat) <- c("S_0", "S_1", "S_2",
                         "I_0", "I_1", "I_2",
                         "R_0", "R_1", "R_2")
init_vals <- c(90, 30, 67,
               0, 0, 1,
               0, 0, 0)
par_vals <- best_params$par
max_T <- 55
n_sims <- 500

abm <- simulate_agents(trans_mat,
                       verbose = FALSE)

grouped_agents <- abm %>%
  tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = -c(sim, agent_id),
                                       names_to = c(".value", "group"), names_sep = "_") %>%
  filter(!(is.na(S) & is.na(I) & is.na(R)))

agg <- grouped_agents %>% group_by(sim, group) %>%
  agents_to_aggregate(states = c(I, R))
## geom_prediction_band problem??

obs_groups <- hagelloch_raw %>%
    mutate(class = ifelse(CL == "1st class",
                        ifelse(CL == "2nd class",
                               2, 0))) %>%
  agents_to_aggregate(states = c(tI, tR),
                      min_max_time = c(0, 55)) %>%
   rename(time = t, S = X0, I = X1, R = X2)

ggplot() +
    geom_prediction_band(data = agg,
         aes(x = X0, y = X1, z = X2,
              sim_group = sim), alpha = .5,
                         conf_level = .8, fill = "orange") +
    coord_tern() + theme_sir() +
  geom_point(data = obs_groups,
             aes(x = S, y = I, z = R))

  labs(title = "Prediction band for best parameters and original data")
## $title
## [1] "Prediction band for best parameters and original data"
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "labels"
obs_groups <- hagelloch_raw %>%
    mutate(class = ifelse(CL == "1st class",
                        ifelse(CL == "2nd class",
                               2, 0))) %>%
  group_by(class) %>%
  agents_to_aggregate(states = c(tI, tR),
                      min_max_time = c(0, 55)) %>%
   rename(time = t, S = X0, I = X1, R = X2)

grouped_agents <- abm %>%
  tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = -c(sim, agent_id),
                                       names_to = c(".value", "group"), names_sep = "_") %>%
  filter(!(is.na(S) & is.na(I) & is.na(R)))

agg <- grouped_agents %>% group_by(sim, group) %>%
  agents_to_aggregate(states = c(I, R))

ggplot() +
    geom_prediction_band(data = agg,
         aes(x = X0, y = X1, z = X2,
              sim_group = sim,
             fill = group),
            alpha = .5,
                         conf_level = .95) +
    coord_tern() + theme_sir() +
  geom_point(data = obs_groups,
             aes(x = S, y = I, z = R,
                 col = factor(class))) +
  labs(title = "Prediction band for best parameters and original data")
